As part of the re-opening of the protocol, it was decided to settle all HA transactions at the pre-hack block 16818578. This was done by calling the getCashOutAmounts() function on the different PerpetualManager contracts.

Position holders can now claim their tokens from a multisig contract, from which each one is approve to transfer the amount of token they are owed. Here is a list of all addresses concerned and the amount they can claim: Import Apr 12, 2023

Here is the specific process to redeem your funds if you had open perpetual positions on Angle before the Euler hack:

Redemption process

Go to the token contract of your position collateral

This is the token you used to open your position, and the one you will claim now. Here are all the contract links:

Click on Contract > Write/Write as Proxy > Connect to Web3

Example with USDC 👇

CleanShot 2023-04-20 at 10.26.07@2x.png

Go to the transferFrom() function, enter the correct parameters, and send the transaction


Then, click on Write to send the transaction and receive your tokens.